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  • Outside of this kind of programs, where else are we having conversations about life's purpose? It certainly doesn't seem to be happening around the dinner table, in the lunch rooms, or even at school!
  • If everything thing we strive for is really only for the experience or the feeling it gives us, then why don't we aim for that directly? We will always keep doing something for the feeling we subconsciously believe it will give us - but how many times have what you believed not been discovered to not be true?
  • Ever noticed how when you or anyone you know 'gets the thing' that the experience is shorted lived? It didn't give you what you thought or resulted in disappointment. Almost like is that all there is?

The overwhelmingly obvious answer to it all becomes, goal setting is the attainment of self. It is getting in touch with me. Getting in touch with the feelings that matter and finding resourceful ways to experience these more! 

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